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5 KPIs Good Content Marketers Should Know

Let’s not beat around the bush. Great content is one of the most important factors of your success. We could even say that it is the utmost important factor of success, but that would be a teeny-tiny bit biased. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Your content matters, because without content, your online presence falls flat. In reality, without content, you don’t have any online presence. However, the funny thing about content is that it can serve multiple purposes. So, when your content marketer sits down and takes the team through the metrics, you should expect them to segment Key Performance Indicators – KPIs – by goals.

What is the purpose of content?

Content marketers often receive attractive job titles, from content ninja to copywriting wizards – you’d be surprised the funky titles people get in the marketing industry. But at the core of their role, there is one unmovable certainty: the creation of performing content. Whether you’re a ninja, wizard or a marketer, at the end of the day, you’re going to be judged on the quality of your content. And this leaves most content marketers with one essential question, namely, how do I measure the performance of my content? If you’re finding yourself whispering Google Analytics, you’re falling into the trap that destroys most content marketing strategies. You haven’t thought of why you’re creating content and what you expect to achieve with it.

When content makes your site attractive.

Since Google changed its algorithm, SEO strategies have focused on quality content as a ranking factor. The more your content engage users, the more likely your website is to improve its ranking in the search results. Ultimately, if your readers don’t connect with your content, your online presence is a waste of time. So, when your content makes your site attractive, your KPI need to focus on three elements: the volume of traffic you receive with the new content, the channels visitors come through – great content means great ranking, but social media referrals and awesome backlinks are also part of performance tracking –, and finally the comparison or organic vs paid traffic.

When external content promotes your brand

Creating remarkable content doesn’t have to be limited to your website. If you work with an affiliate programme – click here if you don’t know what an affiliate network is or how to use one –, your key purpose is to create content that will be placed on other websites. While this content can be in the form of a banner ad, or a mention in an article, you need to make sure that it is top quality to drive traffic to your site. The KPIs here measure referral traffic and engagement.

Engaging content

When content gives your brand a personality

Users get a feel for your brand personality through the content you publish and share. Content isn’t synonymous with brand, but it’s a fair part of it. Popular brands rely on brand awareness metrics, for branded search and social media interactions. Viral content on social media can in the long term paint a positive image of your company, and attract more buyers!

In conclusion, it’s time to get yourself out of the content marketing void and start monitoring the relevant KPIs for your goals. From driving more visitors to the site to building a strong brand image, knowing your way through the metrics makes your content meaningful.

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