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Dear Technophobes, You Can Smash Your Online Presence Too

You’ve buried your head under a billion different online guides which *claim* - ahem, to teach you how to boost your brand, grow your online following and actually make your business profitable. All of you tech muggles are in the same boat here. There is SO much conflicting advice out there and you literally can’t figure out where to start. Now, there’s never going to be a one size fits all for smashing your online presence; life just ain’t that kind I’m afraid! But wait, don’t run away in panic just yet buddy. We’ve got you covered. Whether you’re an ambitious online influencer, a go-getting entrepreneur or a fancy freelancer who needs to promote their skills, all of these tech friendly techniques are going to help you out, big time. You don’t have to be a geek of the digital world to get to grips with these methods, you’ve just got to go for it. Quit procrastinating and finally take some action on this stuff. The sooner you get started the quicker you will actually start seeing results. Adapt a ‘strong and wrong’ attitude. Put your absolute all into these techniques and if you get it completely wrong at least you bloomin’ well tried. Brush it off and say ‘Hey, I’m still a rock star. I’m gonna learn from my mistakes and smash it again.’ Get stuck into these six savvy ways to smash your online presence right now (yes, right now. Not tomorrow okay?).

1. SEO Smarty Pants

You’re bored out of your brains when people start rambling about SEO, but you HAVE to start listening. You’re not going to get discovered online if your SEO game isn’t strong. If you’re mind boggled by the thought of it then grab the help of an SEO consultant. Their technical knowledge will blow you away and you won’t need to sweat the small stuff anymore. When your website and blog SEO is on point, people will start flocking to ya.

2. Be a Brainy Blogger

Every Tom, Dick and Harry seems to be a blogger now (#BloggerLife) Believe it or not, blogging actually works for people who want to grow their online presence. As long as you find the right niche topic, post regular content and actually listen to what your target audience wants, you might just strike gold.

3. Holla Those Headlines

Hopping on the blogging bandwagon is all well and good, but you’ve got to do it right people. Throwing out some regurgitated tripe and expecting people to love you, just isn’t going to cut it. Make sure you’re creating hard hitting headlines which FORCE people to click on your link. Lure them in like a kitty cat to a string of wool.

4. Be a Social Butterfly WITH a Schedule

Posting on social media is a pain in the butt. It takes SO much time out of your day and you wish there were little Facebook fairies out there to work their magic. Unfortunately, Facebook fairies don’t exists, but if you look into Buffer, Hootsuite and Later you can whack out a bunch of posts and schedule them to appear online at any time. Winning.

5. Make Your Website Wicked

You don’t have to be a techy whizz kid to create a smooth and slick website. Choose a template from popular site builders such as Squarespace, Wordpress and Wix and you’ll have a pro site up and running in an hour tops!

6. Share Your Story

Let’s face it, people are nosy little buggers. Being human online really helps to boost your popularity, nobody like to think they’re interacting with a robot. Be yourself, share your personal story online and people will love it!

Ditch your digital fears and take that (scary) leap of faith into smashing your online presence. If you’ve got unbelieve goods, a fantastic business or super smart skills you need to be able to shout about it. You want people to find you online for a reason so don’t be shy about it matey. Hell yeah, there’s a tonne of competition out there on the online world, but don’t worry about those schmucks. Focus on making your online presence bloody brilliant and quit the dilly-dallying already. Make it happen ASAP and you will no longer be waking up from nightmares about gaining new Instagram followers, increasing your website traffic and ranking higher on Google search engines. (Ps. If you really dream about this stuff you might wanna take a coffee break. Just saying.) You’ve got this. Start putting these techniques into practise pronto and you’ll soon be buzzing like a honey bee on a daffodil.

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